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 The new era
 of the wound analysis

 For nursing homes and
 outpatient care

Fully automatic & exact wound analysis in seconds

Our developers have successfully tested the cureVision system in continuous exchange with nursing staff. We know the challenges of everyday care and offer the perfect solution for you.

cureVision provides Security:


The nurse completes the wound assessment on the patient in two minutes. In this way, she avoids additional work through transfer to the EDP and can still see the wound.

– more detailed documentation


In the case of quality controls, the wound documentation is uniform, complete and clear throughout the hospital.

Nurses can share our wound reports in pdf format with family members and doctors

– Faster reaction time of the doctors and optimal care of the patient


The curevision hardware is fall-proof and disinfectable


cureVision is the optimal companion even on days with many patients to care for.



Measurement is reliable and standardized - avoids discrepancies between different professionals performing wound documentation.



Especially useful if frequent staff changes complicate the workflow: cureVision regularly reminds you of wound documentation that needs to be created.

Everything at a glance.
cureVision creates your wound reports automatically


In the automatically generated wound report, you as a nurse can see at a glance how the wound is developing and can thus provide valuable suggestions for treatment.



cureVision supports you in your daily challenge: to improve the quality of life of your residents.


Learn more about cureVision

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